Fourth project
The (Civilization Platforms) Fund in coordination with specialized
bodies, and in light of the prestigious status of Mosques and their outstanding
role in building the Islamic Society on a civilized foundation, this Fund is
launched with a capital of 25 million U.S.Dollars to be (a time limited cash
Endowment) that aims to reconstruct Mosques and build new ones on bases that
make them civilized platforms that contribute, materially and intellectually,
to the development of their surrounding community. This Fund aims as well to
attain sustainability for every Mosque by means of converting it to a
productive endowment that contributes to the accomplishment of its mission. The
Civilization Platforms Fund will be refunded with all its expenditures made to
any Mosque so as the Fund be able to continue giving in future. Or else, the
Fund capital to be reimbursed to initial Fund sponsors within the time limit
agreed upon.